95 One Sentence Theses against Evolution

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The development of living organisms forming new species (macroevolution) by formation of new kinds of organs and structures has never been observed.

Research is revealing more and more unsystematically distributed characteristics of living organisms, so that the hypothesis of a genealogical tree of species is considered to be refuted.

No mechanism is known to explain the irreducibly complex systems that occur in living organisms.

Of 453,732 documented mutations described in approximately nineteen million scientific papers, only 186 were categorized as beneficial and none resulted in an increase of genetic information.

The known evolutionary mechanisms of mutation, selection, gene transfer, recombination of gene segments, gene duplication and other factors can not bring forth new body plans or functions.

Work sharing and mutual dependence, as observed in many plant and animal species within an ecosystem (biodiversity), cannot possibly have developed in small steps.

Symbioses and altruistic behavior of various plants and animals cannot be explained based on the known mechanisms of evolution.

Over three thousand artificial mutations in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, since 1908 have not produced a single new, advantageous body plan; the fruit fly remains a fruit fly.

It is becoming increasingly evident that a great deal of the so-called junk DNA, designated until recently as “evolutionary garbage” as a result of evolution, does indeed perform specific functions.

More recent research is strongly suggesting that so-called pseudo genes, long considered non-functional, and therefore contradicting creation, do indeed have certain functions.

The hope that homeotic control genes would prove to be the key genes in macro evolutionary processes was up to now not fulfilled.

Rudimentary (half-finished or non-functional) organs are not useless remnants of upwards evolution. Most of these organs have a specific function, others are evidence of degeneration, and they could have been created in the present shape.

Although the drawings to the biogenetic law promulgated by Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) were shown to be deceptive during Haeckel’s lifetime, they are still to be found today in many schoolbooks!

Many schoolbooks describe the numerical changes observed in populations of the peppered moth as proof of evolution; in fact, it is not even microevolution.

All DDT-resistant insects have not developed by evolution, but are genetic variants that have always existed and have always been resistant to this insecticide.

The fact that bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics is not an example of upward evolution, since the mutations that result generally involve a loss of genomic information.

The stasis (standstill) often observed in the fossil record shows that basic types have remained essentially unchanged throughout most of Earth’s history, contradicting evolution.

For an organism to become a fossil, it must quickly be covered by sediments and cut off from air, since it will otherwise rot or decay; therefore, fossils have been formed quickly and are no argument for high age.

Conclusive missing links between fish and amphibians, between amphibians and reptiles and between reptiles, birds and mammals have not been uncovered after 150 years of fossil research.

The so-called Cambrian Explosion (simultaneous appearance of most phyla in the Cambrian period) does not validate the theory that the living organisms share a common ancestor, but confirms creation.

In view of the fact that natural erosion over a period of ten million years would have worn Earth’s continents down to sea level, there could not possibly be any fossil-bearing rock strata older than this.

Not a single river delta on the planet is more than several thousand years old, which sharply contradicts an Earth alleged lasting billions of years.

The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 produced geological formations that correspond for the most part to those purportedly created in a process requiring many millions of years.

The characteristics of most of the sedimentary strata that are visible and accessible to researchers provide evidence of brief and intensive stratification processes.

The boundaries of the succession of beds in geological formations normally show very little or no surface erosion, bioturbation or soil formation, which require a fast formation of these strata.

Polystrate fossils, tree trunks and fossil animals that extend through more than one geological stratum challenge the theory of a slow, gradual development of these strata and make evolution impossible.

The existence of so-called living fossils shows no progress of evolution during millions of years and casts doubt on conventional interpretations of the fossil record.

Discovery of human artefacts in geological strata over two million years old call into question the reliability of the conventional timetable.

The viable microbes often found in old salt and coal deposits are barely not as much as 500 million years old.

Recent knowledge gained in the field of micro evolutionary speciation (sub speciation) demonstrates how species diversity, related to fossil marine animals, in the Nusplingen Limestone could have developed within a few decades.

More recent observations and calculations strongly suggest that the known granite diapirs developed as much as 100,000 times faster than had been previously assumed.

“Omne vivum ex vivo” (all life comes from life), Louis Pasteur’s statement, has not been disproved to date.

Hundreds of so-called Miller experiments (primordial soup simulations) have been unable to explain or prove the accidental genesis of life.

Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that a chance origin of DNA under primordial soup conditions, without a supporting matrix as provided by a living cell, is extremely unlikely.

Since a hypothetical primordial soup would certainly have contained water, it is not known how long amino acid chains, let alone complete proteins, could have been formed.

Since only left-turning amino acids can be used to build living cells, the genesis of cells by chance is not known.

The correct folding of proteins is an information-controlled process that is extremely unlikely to occur by chance.

It is not known how a random process could generate the correct addressing of proteins in the cells

The mechanism that starts and stops the production of proteins in each cell has to function properly from the very beginning

The intracellular control mechanisms act counter to any trans-specific development due to the fact that life is basically geared towards maintenance of the existing proteins (stasis).

In view of the fact that the age results obtained through different radiometric methods show systematic differences for the same rock, there must be a source of systematic error inherent in either method of measurement and/or in the evaluation of the results

Measurements by means of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) of carboniferous materials such as graphite, marble, anthracite and diamonds indicate an age of less than 90,000 years, despite an alleged age of many millions of years.

Rock strata claimed to be thousands of millions of years old contain zircons, the age of which, based on their helium content, is probably only four thousand to eight thousand years old

Besides uranium-238, fifty-two other elements also decay into lead-206 (with a half-life of several microseconds to several thousand years), which is not taken into account in the calculations used for conventional radiometry.

The radiometric methods to determine the age of rocks deviate from non-radioactive   methods by several orders of magnitude, which questions the radiometric methods.

The frequency of uranium and polonium radiohalos in the granites of the Palaeozoic / Mesozoic is evidence of one or more phases of temporarily accelerated radioactive decay.

Based on the heat radiating from the interior of the Earth, the amount of helium emerging from the inside of Earth accounts for only four percent of the amount expected if the Earth is 4.5 billion years old

The Earth’s magnetic field has reversed polarity several times in the past and has decreased to the half which indicates that the planet is fewer than ten thousand years old

If the current processes of the uptake and release salt to and from the world’s oceans would have lasted for 3.5 billion years, the oceans should contain fifty-six times more salt than they actually do.

Calculations based on the amount of nickel transported annually by rivers into the world’s oceans and the current nickel content of the oceans indicate that the processes at work today could have continued for a maximum of 300,000 years.

The claim that the formation of oil, coal and petrified wood requires long periods of time has been experimentally refuted.

In view of the fact that no mechanism has been identified leading out of the so-called “singularity”, the concept of the big bang theory must be considered entirely speculative.

The origin of the galaxies cannot be explained within the framework of the big bang theory.

The origin of the stars has still not been explained, despite constant assurances by many cosmologists.

How planets could have originated from a disc of gas and dust is both unclear and highly controversial.

The highly different surfaces of planets and moons cast doubt on the theory that they have originated from a homogeneous cloud of gas and dust.

A solar system 4.5 billion years old is practically inconceivable in view of the fact that some planets fall into chaotic orbits after only ten million years.

The measured increase of the distance between Earth and moon is so big that the moon would have to be 3.5 times farther from Earth assuming an age of 4.5 billion years.

It is remarkable that all four gaseous planets have rings, since the maximum age of such a ring is only some ten thousand years.

Our solar system contains a much smaller number of short-period comets than expected in a planetary system billions of years old.

There are fewer supernova remnants in the Milky Way than one would expect after many billions of years.

The systematic difference in metallicity between distant and near objects that is expected in the big bang model is not observed.

The incredibly precise/fine adjustment of the various natural constants required to make life on Earth possible in the first place cannot be the result of a blind accident.

The non-uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation shows a cosmic north and south pole and a cosmic equator, which means that we could be near the centre of the universe, which contradicts the big bang theory.

Modern science conducts its research within the paradigm of evolution (macroevolution, primordial soup and the big bang theory), the basic tenets of which cannot be proven.

Since it is impossible to determine precisely the point at which natural phenomena stop and supernatural phenomena begin, it is not possible to explain the world on naturalistic terms only.

The origin of the theory of evolution is philosophical in nature (enlightenment, rationalism, naturalism) as well as a religious dogma with a scientific varnish.

Many of the conclusions of evolutionary psychology prove to be circular arguments, or are formulated in a very vague and undifferentiated way, so that they can be considered as merely plausible-sounding stories that can be neither be confirmed nor denied.

The rationale offered for macroevolution, with a combination of the factors accidental mutation and necessary selection, is without substance due to the element of chance involved, (i.e., it makes no logical assertions).

Causal evolutionary research cannot possibly explain an incalculable and unforeseeable development, which according to its own theory, is based on pure accident.

Similarities (homologous organs) do not prove a common descent; all they demonstrate is that the same basic principles have been applied in different organisms.

The observation that left to itself nature knows no incomplete ecosystems, and that most organisms contribute to the welfare of the entire ecosystem, is incompatible with the notion of accidental development.

The proposition that all the innumerable cosmic and biological structures have arisen by chance contradicts the obviously teleological and planned character of the entire natural world.

The theory of evolution cannot answer the question as to the ultimate meaning of life.

The purposeless beauty seen in nature cannot be explained by the naturalistic approach.

The code found in all forms of life allows only one conclusion: that there is an intelligent originator/sender of this information.

The concept according to which DNA molecules are encoded far exceeds the capacity of any human information technology; it cannot possibly have originated by chance from inanimate matter.

The knowledge necessary to program DNA molecules is not sufficient to create life because it would also require the ability to build all of the necessary biological machines.

Because meaningful information is essentially a non-material dimension, it cannot have been derived from a material dimension.

Human beings are capable of engendering meaningful information, which is of a non-materialistic nature and therefore cannot have originated from the materialistic part of our body.

The claim that the universe emerged from a singularity (scientific materialism) contradicts the non-material dimension of information.

Since all theories of chemical and biological evolution require that the information originate solely from matter and energy, we may conclude that all of these theories and concepts about abiogenesis are false.

Proofs of God's existence can be derived from the natural laws of information in the universe and from the prophetic information in the Bible.

Flood reports from ancient cultures on all five continents show that at least one gigantic deluge has happened on Earth.

The remains left to us by our ancestors (such as stone tools) provide evidence for at most several thousand years of human history.

No undisputed intermediate has yet been found of the hypothetical common ancestry of apes and humans.

At least 75 million “correct” mutations would have been necessary to make a modern human or a chimpanzee from a common ancestor – a highly improbable scenario.

The upright gait of humans requires simultaneous and coordinated changes of several characteristics in the skeleton and muscles, which clearly contradicts the notion of unguided chance development.

The twelve million nerve fibres which connect the human eye with the brain have to each lead to a specific location to generate a correct picture in the brain, which is not possible with the mechanisms of evolution theory.

New research confirms that the arrangement of the light-sensitive cells in the human eye represents an optimal design, refuting earlier claims to the contrary and pointing to a creator.

Studies of ancient languages have revealed that they were complex at first and grew simpler over time, which contradicts the notion of an upwards evolutionary development of human beings.

Studies of so-called near-death experiences strongly suggest that human consciousness exists in a non-material domain and can not be explained with evolution.

The human capacity for technical and artistic creativity indicates that the human spirit could not possibly have emerged from matter.

Conscience and ethics are hardly things that would have evolved in a graceless fight for survival that has been going on for millions of years.

It is impossible to reconcile the existence of the phenomenon of love with the ideas underlying the theory of evolution.  


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