77  The omniscient sender

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The encoding concept of DNA molecules goes far beyond the capacity of all modern human information technologies. The sender who created the unicellular and multicellular life forms known to us must have been so intelligent, and have been in possession of so much information, that we could, from our point of view, call him infinitely intelligent and omniscient.

Application of NLI-1, NLI-2 and NLI-4b:

According to NLI-4, there is an intelligent originator at the beginning of every information transmission chain. If this principle is applied consistently to biological information, an intelligent originator is necessary here as well. DNA molecules contain the highest information density known to man (1).

On the basis of NLI-1, the information source cannot be any conceivable processes that take place in matter. Human beings can produce information, but they cannot possibly be the source of biological information. The only alternative left is a sender who acted outside of the world as it is known to us.

Following a lecture at a university, a female student asked, “Who informed God so as to make him capable of programming the DNA molecule?”

Two explanations are mentally conceivable:

Explanation a): Let us assume that this God is much more intelligent than we are, but still limited. Let us further assume that He possesses sufficient intelligence or information to enable Him to program all biological systems. The question can then indeed be asked: Who gave Him the required information; who taught Him? In such a case, He would need a higher information provider IP1, i.e., a higher God with knowledge exceeding His. If IP1 knows more than God but is also limited, He would in turn require an information provider IP2, i.e., a God higher than the higher God. This chain of thought could go on forever with IP3, IP4, to IP infinity.

Explanation b): It is more elegant and satisfying to assume only one sender (one originator, one creator, one God). This, however, would require the assumption that He is infinitely intelligent and has an infinite amount of information at His disposal. He must, therefore, be omniscient.

Which explanation is preferable?

The two explanations are equally logical. Here we are forced to make a decision that cannot be derived from NLI. The following considerations will help us along. In reality, there are only finite and countable amounts. The number of atoms in the universe is an unimaginably large number, but one that could, in principle, be counted. The total numbers of all human beings, ants or grains of wheat are also immense sums, but they are finite sums. The term infinity is commonly used in mathematical abstractions, but reality contains nothing that could be represented by an infinite number.

Therefore, since explanation a) does not pass the plausibility test, the only alternative left is b). This means there is only one sender, who must be infinitely intelligent and omniscient.

Biblical reference:

The Bible teaches us that there is only one God: “I am the first and I am the last, besides me there is no god” (2). What does it mean for God (the sender of the biological information, the creator) to be infinite? It means there is no question He could not answer, and that His knowledge encompasses not only all things of the present and past but also the future as well.

If, however, He has knowledge of all things (even beyond the limits of temporality), then He must Himself be eternal. The Apostle Paul arrives at the same conclusion when he writes, “His eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” (3). The Bible bears witness to God’s eternal nature in many different passages (4) (5) (6).

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(1) Werner Gitt, Am Anfang war die Information, 3. überarbeitete and erweiterte Auflage 2002, Hänssler-Verlag, Holzgerlingen, pages 311–313.
(2) The Bible, Isaiah 44,6.
(3) The Bible, Romans 1,20.
(4) The Bible, Psalm 90,2.
(5) The Bible, Isaiah 40,28.
(6) The Bible, Daniel 6,27.

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