28  Million-year-old artefacts

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Time and again, some objects which are found in the Earth’s layers and were with great probability made by human beings, so-called artefacts, are according to conventional estimations supposed to be far more than 100 million years old. Much speculation has been generated by these finds. Is humanity much older than previously thought? Do certain objects originate from aliens? Are we dealing here with time travellers? Only one thing is hardly ever questioned: the reliability of current geological timetables.

In June of 1934, a piece of wood was found sticking out of a piece of limestone. When an attempt was made to free the piece of wood, it was established that it was a wooden hammer handle. At the time of this discovery, the object was completely encased in limestone. The conclusion that must be drawn from this is that the hammer must have been made before the rock was formed. The age of the rock is estimated by geologists to be sixty-five to 140 million years old (1).

Hammer from Texas

Hammer from Texas:

Contains 96% iron, 2.6% chlorine and 0.74% sulphur. The wooden handle is partially fossilized.

In the year 1989, an analysis of the metallic hammer head was undertaken. It is astonishing that there were no traces of carbon or any other additives in the hammer head. On the other hand, chlorine and sulphur were discovered. Nowadays, no process for producing iron is known which introduces these additives. That confirms the assumption that this hammer was manufactured before the modern Iron Age.

In their book “The Hidden History of the Human Race”, M.A. Cremo and R.L. Thompson described, among other things, fifty-eight different man-made objects and human bones found in geological layers. The age of some of these, according to conventional evaluation, was estimated to be far above 100 million years.

Further examples (Page indications refer to Reference 2):

- An iron nail embedded in Scottish sandstone, which is supposed to be between 360 and 408 million years old. (105)

- A beautifully decorated metal vase in Dorchester, Massachusetts embedded in a formation, ascribed an age of more than 600 million years. (106)

- A metal pipe in a piece of limestone, which was found in the quarry of Saint-Jean-de-Livet in France, has a specified age of sixty-five million years old. (117)

- A small golden chain, encased in coal that has been dated at 260 to 320 million years old. It was found in a mine in northern Illinois (USA). (113)

- A metal ball with grooves around its widest diameter, found in a layer of Pyrophyllite in South Africa. This layer has been dated at 2.8 billion years old. (121)

- A large number of different stone tools found in Boncelles, Belgium, in a layer with an age of twenty-five to thirty-eight million years old. (68–70)

- A golden thread embedded in stone in a quarry in Rutherford, England, with the given age of 320 to 360 million years old. (106)

Such finds must not be overrated. They do, however, cast justifiable doubt on current dating methods.

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(1) WashingtonPost, 2 Oct. 2005.
(2) M.A. Cremo and R.L. Thompson, The Hidden History of the Human Race, Govardhan Hill Publishing, Badger, USA, 1994.

(Image: "Hammer from Texas")  http://images.igeawagu.com/200501/1107091761_140-mill-jahre-hammer2-big.jpg

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Florence wrote:
I think it’s pretty isnerentitg… Even though you do have a point with getting records that are actually meaningful, I think this is still something that can be looked as “pretty cool” and “unique” in the future. Thanks