17 - 31  Geology und Palaeontology

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The model of an ancient Earth is of decisive importance to the theory of evolution. Only if the history of our planet is several billion years old, should it theoretically be possible for a simple monocellular organism to gradually evolve into a human being. The question nevertheless arises: is our Earth really billions of years old?
The so-called radiometric measuring methods, which are mainly used to determine the age of rocks and fossils, are by no means guaranteed. The available data can be interpreted in very different ways. More on that in the chapter Radiometry and Geophysics.

Various observations of geological formations leave huge room for doubt in traditional dating models. If one observes the erosion of the continents, the growth of river deltas and the changes to seacoasts and reefs, it is not conceivable that the actual processes have been going on for millions of years.

Examination of the layer boundaries between geological formations and knowledge of modern sedimentology both point to the history of the Earth being short. Catastrophic events such as the eruption of Mount St. Helens in the north western USA prove that the geological formations of our Earth could have been formed in a very short time span.

Finally, the fossil record contradicts Darwin’s teachings on the origin of species. From an evolutionary theoretical perspective, many millions of intermediate forms must, by now, have lived on our Earth. Yet not a single undisputed evolutionary missing link has been discovered to date.

17 Stasis in the fossil report
18 Rapid fossilisation (taphonomy)
19 Missing Links
20 Cambrian explosion
21 Erosion of the continents
22 River deltas, sea coasts and reefs
23 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
24 Modern sedimentology
25 Undamaged layer boundaries
26 Polystrate fossils
27 Living fossils
28 Million year old artefacts 
29 Million year old microbes
30 Nusplingen platy limestone
31 Rapidly rising granite diapirs

17 Stasis in the fossil report

  The stasis (standstill) observed in the fossil record shows that no new forms and organs develop and that basic types have remained essentially unchanged throughout earth history.

18 Rapid fossilisation (taphonomy)

  For an organism to become a fossil, it must quickly be covered by sediments and cut off from air, since it will otherwise rot or decay.

19 Missing Links

  The missing links between fish and amphibians, between amphibians and reptiles and between reptiles, birds and mammals have after 150 years of fossil research not been uncovered.

20 Cambrian explosion

  The so-called Cambrian Explosion (simultaneous appearance of most phyla in the Cambrian period) contradicts the theory that the living organisms share common ancestors.

21 Erosion of the continents

  In view of the fact that natural erosion over a period of 10 million years would have worn the earth’s continents down to sea level, there could possibly be no any fossil-bearing rock strata older than this.

22 River deltas, sea coasts and reefs

  Not a single river delta on the planet is more than several thousand years old, which sharply contradicts an earth alleged lasting billions of years.

23 Eruption of Mount St. Helens

  The eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 produced geological formations that correspond for the most part to those purportedly created in a process lasting many millions of years.

24 Modern sedimentology

  The characteristics of the sedimentary strata that are visible and accessible to researchers provide evidence of brief and intensive stratification processes.

25 Undamaged layer boundaries

  The boundarys of the succession of beds in geological formations normally show very little or no surface erosion, bioturbation or soil formation, which is at odds with the assignment of great age to these strata.

26 Polystrate fossils

  Polystrate fossils, tree trunks and fossil animals, that extend through more than one geological stratum, challenge the theory of a slow gradual development of these strata.

27 Living fossils

  The existence of so-called living fossils casts doubt on conventional interpretations of the fossil record.

28 Million year old artefacts

  Discovery of human artefacts in geological strata over 2 million years old call into question the reliability of the conventional timetable.

29 Million year old microbes

  The viable microbes often found in old salt and coal deposits cannot possibly be as much as 500 million years old.

30 Nusplingen platy limestone

  Recent knowledge gained in the field of microevolutionary speciation (subspeciation) demonstrates how the species diversity of the fossil marine animals in the Nusplingen platy Limestone could have developed within a few decades.

31 Rapidly rising granite diapirs

  More recent observations and calculations strongly suggest that the known granite diapirs developed as much as 100,000 times faster than had been previously assumed.

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