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The theory of evolution, as is taught in most schools today, states that all living creatures on Earth are related to one another and are supposed to have descended from single cell organisms and their precursors. Is this really true? What scientific evidence is there for this assumption?

Developments and genetic changes do actually occur in living creatures in the individual and in successive generations. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is, however, necessary to draw a distinction between micro and macro evolution.

In micro evolution, living organisms, during their biological history as a species and an individual,, already present structures and functions without the organisms’ basic blueprint changing in the process. In this way, over many generations, the wolf can evolve into a dog, and the famous Darwin finch can change the shape and size of its beak. Such modifications, however, always occur within a certain bandwidth, which cannot be exceeded.

In macro evolution, living organisms, completely new complex organs and functions not previously present could come into existence as a result of various occurrences within their genetic composition. In this way, in the past (over many generations and numerous intermediate stages), a simple single cell organism is supposed to have developed into a fish, then into a reptile, a bird, a hare etc. That such macro evolutionary processes have actually taken place*, must, after 150 years of evolutionary research, be seriously called into question.

* Successful new designs would have to integrate into the existing models of spatial, chronological and hierarchical genetic activity and would not be allowed, by intermediate stages, to disturb vitally important physiological, social, reproductive and ecological life patterns.

01 Micro and macro evolution
02 Family trees and bushes
03 Irreducible complex systems
04 Mutation and the increase of information
05 Evolutionary mechanisms
06 Biodiversity
07 Symbiosis and altruistic behavior
08 Drosophila melanogaster
09 Junk DNA
10 Pseudo genes
11 Homeotic genes
12 Rudimentary organs
13 Recapitulation theory 
14 Peppered moth
15 DDT resistant insects
16 Resistance to antibiotics

01 Micro and macroevolution
The development of living organisms forming new species (macroevolution) by formation of new kinds of organs and structures has never been observed.

02 Family trees and bushes
Research is revealing more and more unsystematically distributed characteristics of living organisms, so that the hypothesis of a genealogical tree of species must be considered refuted.

03 Irreducible complex systems
No mechanism is known to explain the irreducibly complex systems that occur in living organisms.

04 Mutation and the increase of information
Of 453,732 documented mutations described in approximately 19 million scientific papers, only 186 were categorized as beneficial and none resulted in an increase of genetic information.

05 Evolutionary mechanisms
The known evolutionary mechanisms of mutation, selection, gene transfer, recombination of gene segments, gene duplication and other factors are not sufficient to explain new body plans and functions.

06 Biodiversity
Work sharing and mutual dependence as observed in many plant and animal species within an ecosystem (biodiversity) contradicts the notion of step-by-step origin.

07 Symbiosis and altruistic behavior
Symbioses and altruistic behavior of various plants and animals cannot be explained based on the known mechanisms of evolution.

08 Drosophila melanogaster
Over 3,000 artificial mutations in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, since 1908 have not produced a single new, advantageous body plan; the fruit fly remains a fruit fly.

09 Junk DNA
It is becoming increasingly evident that a great deal of the so-called junk DNA, designated until recently as “evolutionary garbage”, does indeed perform specific functions.

10 Pseudo genes
More recent research is strongly suggesting that so-called pseudogenes, long considered non-functional, do indeed have certain functions.

11 Homeotic genes
The hope that homeotic control genes would prove to be the key genes in macroevolutionary processes was not fulfilled.

12 Rudimentary organs
Rudimentary (half-finished or non-functional) organs are not useless remnants of upwards evolution: Most of these organs have a specific function, others are evidence of degeneration.

13 Recapitulation theory 
Although the biogenetic law promulgated by Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was shown to be deceptive during Haeckel’s lifetime, it is still found in many schoolbooks!

14 Peppered moth
Many schoolbooks describe the numerical changes observed in populations of the peppered moth as proof of evolution; in fact, it is not even microevolution.

15 DDT resistant insects
All DDT-resistant insects are genetic variants that have always existed and have always been resistant to this insecticide.

16 Resistance to antibiotics
The fact that bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics is not an example of upward evolution, since the mutations that result generally involve a loss of genomic information.


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