Final declaration:

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We have written these ninety-five theses to the best of our knowledge based on the broadest possible range of source material. Nonetheless, our knowledge is far from complete and certainly this and subsequent versions of the ninety-five theses may still contain errors.

We ask you to help us in our efforts to correct such errors. We are asking you please to send us feedback and proposed changes in accordance with state-of-the-art. You will find our contact information, along with the latest version of the theses, under

The authors:

Dr. jur. Dieter Aebi, Dr. med. Markus Bourquin, Gian Luca Carigiet, Prof. a.D. Dr.Ing. Werner Gitt, Dr. chem. Ruedi Hartmann,  Roland Schwab, Dipl.Ing. Hansruedi Stutz, lic. theol. Marcel Wildi.


The work of both evolutionists and creationists is based on exactly the same scientific data. It is not a matter of scientific data but rather of one’s world view which influences the interpretation and extrapolation of said data  – consciously or unconsciously – whether one accepts or rejects the models presented by the theories of evolution, the primordial soup and the big bang.

The belief that chemical and physical laws could suffice to bring forth the complexity and variety of life and the immeasurable cosmos is not supported by the data the natural sciences have provided. Many questions about origins have to be answered in natural science by simply saying we don’t know. There is more honesty to this response than to keep insisting that unproven hypotheses are proven facts.

The authors are well aware that there are many researchers doing basic research in the natural sciences, making an extraordinary personal effort to widen the horizons of our knowledge. These efforts not only produce answers, they also produce many new and unexpected questions. The number of unsolved questions is increasing more rapidly than the number of answered questions.

An unfortunate aspect of the public debate on evolution is that while unclarified details of the theory are discussed, evolution in the sense of progressive development is not called into question per se. Persons who questions the above-mentioned theories are threatened with exclusion from scientific and educational positions. Within such a framework, proponents of the theory of evolution often, albeit unconsciously, assume a totalitarian, dogmatic and ideological stance in their argumentation.

The authors of the ninety-five theses long for a society in which every person would be given the opportunity to choose and defend his or her world view independently as long as this does not restrict others’ freedom. They consider it legitimate to reflect upon an alternative world view regarding the origins of life, free of evolutionary dogmas and societal pressures.

The ninety-five theses presented here reveal the basic insufficiency of the claims of the evolutionary hypothesis. The orientation of the author's approach to this subject is the world view of the Bible, in which it is written, “Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made.” (1)



(1) The Bible, Rom. 1:20

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